Wednesday, August 17, 2011

what's in a name?

When I was first thinking of creating a blog I knew it needed a name.  I wanted it to be clever but I also wanted it to convey my mission.  At the time I didn't have a mission other then the huge umbrella topic of: changing my life.  Well that could mean a million different things, you can lose 20 pounds and change your life, become a vegetarian, become a devout Christian, learn a new language, and all of these things would most likely inspire a different title to a blog.  So what encompassed all things that I could take on to improve my life?  Hmmmmm.  My sister thought I should make cooking the focus of my blog, and while I have a passion for cooking I didn't want to be super stalker status with the Julie and Julia project...more like a mild admirer from a distance :)  As we brainstormed titles for this blog I was thinking of what interested and cats.  So I thought "The Cooking Cat Lady"...and with a shudder I realized that the title sounded like I cooked cats and thus it was not an option.  I was really at a loss and the longer I went without a name the longer this blog didn't exist.  Then one day as I am sitting at my desk at work in my dungeon of despair I thought: what is it really that I was wanting to do?  Yes I want to get out of this job, yes I want to make more money, yes I want to be able to answer with pride the question of "what do you do for a living?" but really WHAT is it that I am looking for? I decided: I am looking for peace.  I am looking for happiness.  I am looking for a sense of fulfilment.  I looked back on my life and I realized I had that when I was a dancer.  When my life was filled with smelly pointe shoes, endless dance classes, and going to bed each night with sore muscles and blistered feet.  Oh those were the days!  I wanted to get back there, and I wanted to get back there fast! 

I sat in my portal to hell (my desk) and I drifted off into a day dream of my dancing years.  I remembered parts I have danced that I loved, ones that I hated, costumes that fit and some that did not, waking up with my head full of curlers when I was little for my first ballet performance as a little party attendant in the Nutcracker.  Oh the amazing years I spent being a ballerina.  All of the wonderful teachers I have had with their patience and their wisdom.  Some of the bad teachers I have had with their spite and their inexperience.  One teacher specifically resonates as someone who changed who I was as a person as well as who I became as a dancer.  Her name is Valerie Houston.  I remember the first class I ever took from her.  She had a passion and an energy for dancing that I had never seen.  Her classes left you an inch from death but desperately wanting more.  She humbled me with critique and inspired me with progress.  I always liked ballet, but Valerie taught me to love dance.  A few years after my first class with her I was her student at UCSB studying for a major in dance.  Valerie called me "Hatfield" and soon everyone in the dance department called me "Hatfield".  That is the moment I was happiest, in dance, in life, in everything.  That is where I want to be again. I realize I am little older, a little worse for wear, but hopefully a little wiser as well. That is my project, to be "Hatfield" again.  Hence the Hatfield Project:  A project in self rediscovery and a mission to find eternal bliss :)

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