Thursday, August 16, 2012

It's the most wonderful time of the year....almost

Ok not even almost.  Yes we are still in August and every time I go outside the amount of sweat and pours from every crevice of my body makes me shudder to think about.  Eew to the max.  However it is never to early in my opinion to start thinking about the fall and all of the great fall-y-ness that comes with it.  Today I found myself looking at my calendar for the date of my annual Ugly Sweater Party.  I know it's not until December, but with how rocket-fast this summer has gone I strongly believe I need to start planning now.  Plus thinking about Christmas makes me all giddy, and smiley, and clappy and who doesn't want to see me happy?!  Last year I wore a traditional ugly sweater, found on the East Coast by MP, and it was hideous.  We're talking shoulder pad-hell-hideous, which in term made it glorious.  This year because Santa Barbara is a total suck-town at having a supply of ugly sweaters (or they think its cool to charge $50 dollars for grandmas Sears knitted nightmare) I am going to make my own.  I made my own the first year and it turned out pretty fancy if I do say so myself.  All sequins-y and gaudy and gloriously gross.  Oh the ugliness of the Christmas Season.  How I love thee.  I apologize if you find this post traumatic because you are still trying to hold on to the summer with an iron clad grip of death, but if you have known me for 10 seconds you probably feel this post is way over due.  I should have started thinking about this months ago.  Truth be told I did...but I was too embarrassed to share, and I feared the angry mob that would form as I dared to shorten the idea of heat, BBQs, and boob sweat.  Gross gross boob sweat.

Here's to thinking about Christmas my friends!!
