Wednesday, August 31, 2011

If I knew I was going to be jumping so many hurdles I would have worn better shoes!

Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeesh have the last few days been intense.  I quite literally feel exhausted from all of the hurdles I am jumping and fires I am putting out!  To make matters worse if one more person says "what doesn't kill you always makes you stronger" I might just strangle them with my imaginary fire-hose!!!  Not every obstacle has been impossible to overcome and in fact some of them have forced me to go in a direction I wouldn't have normally taken, which has pleasantly enough ultimately been to my benefit.  I am no athlete, in real or imaginary life, so all of this running around and jumping through hoops has driven me to the point where I am two shakes of a lambs tail away from living the rest of my days in a padded cell wrapped up tight.  All of the huge things are pushing me so far to the brink of mental break down I almost screamed at a little old lady today at Subway because she couldn't see any salt coming out of the salt shaker and asked the man 3 times for more salt (despite it clearly dumping all over the sandwich each time).  While that little old lady has every right to take 30 minutes to instruct the poor folks at Subway how to make her perfect sandwich it was the last straw in my haystack of crap for the day!  I had to audibly tell myself to take a chill pill and after a few "wooo-saaaws" my vision went from bright red to a "less red" color.  I don't know if it is the sun, the moon, the stars, or good ol fashioned PMS but oh lordy it will be a Christmas Day miracle if I get through the next few days without shutting down half of Santa Barbara as I run through the streets screaming with my arms waving over my head ripping my hair out.  Not the way I intended to become famous, but if the universe pushes me I am liable to push right back!!

Deeeeeep breath.....tomorrow is another day right? ;)

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