Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Hello writers block....

The thing about writing a blog is...you have to have people that actually read your blog for it to be successful, because without people reading it you are just rambling on and on into the great blue yonder of the world wide web.  I have had a raging case of writers block recently...otherwise known as PMS...and I have been more cranky then inspired.  This morning as I was procrastinating working, per usual, I was reading The Pioneer Woman's website (which I HIGHLY recommend).  She is hilarious and I read a part of her blog that gave some advice on how to blog successfully.  One of her suggestions was even when you have writers block--->me<---you should still write.  Write about nothing, post a picture, write about your morning routine, about the microwave dinner you had last night, etc.  She also said that a blog exists because of its most loyal readers and that a blogger should thank them as often as possible for making your senseless Internet ramblings feel important :)  So today I am dedicating my writers block blog to my friend Julie because of her constant encouragement --some might call it nagging but that might be the PMS talking ;)--and praise for my blog...no matter what nonsense I blog about...and for her pestering (again nagging...oh that evil PMS!) for new blog posts.  Thanks Julie for all of the blog love and support! 

Oh!  And a kitty picture, cause what doesn't make you feel all warm and fuzzy other then kitties?  Well wine does that too....mmmmm wine.

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