Thursday, November 10, 2011

Remembering what we are thankful for.

The holiday season is upon us, and while I think that some places have jumped the gun a smidgy-poo early on the Christmas decor (day after Halloween is stretching our luck a bit) I love me some holiday season so I will secretly clap my hands with joy at this.  With Thanksgiving right around the corner and people (myself included of course) are already consumed with planning their holiday menus, starting their Christmas shopping, and rocking out to Frank Sinatra Holiday CD's (and I know it is not just me!) I want to take a moment to remember one of our more important holidays: Veterans Day.  This momentous holiday is all too often looked over because of the twinkle and sparkle of the other more glittery holidays, however it is because of Veterans day that we are even able to celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas (and anything else).  The day before Veterans day: November 10th 2011, is the Marine Corps 236th birthday.  Everyone who knows me knows that I love me some Marines and nothing makes me more proud then my little brother John, my favorite Marine.  Today I would like us all to remember how fortunate we are to have freedom, a freedom that most of us didn't pay for ourselves, but that someone--like my brother--earned and continues to earn for us.  Remember all of those that raised their hand when we did not to ensure that this freedom is protected at all costs.  That stood in line and offered their lives for ours if and when it is ever needed.  Marines (and other soldiers) don't get to pick their war, they don't get to choose their fight.  They go where they are needed.  They fight with honor, bravery, and valor.  So much is asked of them and yet so little is given back to them.  As we all gather in the next few weeks with our friends and family whilst we stuff ourselves to the brim let us all please remember the men and women that don't get to be with their families on these days because they are doing a greater job somewhere else.  All over the world there are men and women that are eating an MRE for Thanksgiving dinner, and spending Christmas night not by a crackling fire but sleeping in a cold bunker half way around the world.  Remember these men and women and give thanks that we have people like them protecting all that we hold dear.

Happy Veterans Day!  Happy Birthday Marines!  Ooorah!  :)

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