Friday, December 30, 2011

Its official...its on Facebook.

I have realized that despite me being in my 30's now some things really just don't change.  Take declaring yourself as in a relationship for example.  As some of you might have guessed, or heard, or imagined in your dreamiest of dreams I recently started dating someone **pause for thunderous applause** and the other day my Manfriend and I....we will call him MP for now (no explanation--just enjoy it)...had "the talk" about moving from "dating" to officially labeling ourselves boyfriend and girlfriend.  It is so silly how reluctant and weird I was about transitioning from dating to calling him my boyfriend.  As my trusty blog sheriff Julie asked me: what is the difference between "dating" and boyfriend/girlfriend?  There is a big my most humble bloggy opinion.  It is kind of like making the jump from being engaged to being married.  That is a huge step is it not?  When you go from being engaged to being married some say you just sign a simple piece of paper, however that piece of paper will cost you an arm and a leg and a whole lotta drama if you want out of that marriage.  Same goes with going from dating someone to being their boyfriend or girlfriend.  When you are dating someone you can simply stop returning their phone calls...or texts...(does anyone really call each other anymore?) and then relationship is over.  When you are someones boyfriend or girlfriend you actually have to break up with the person in order for it to be over.  I mean yes you could just stop returning their calls as well, but chances are they have keys to your house that you gave them when you were all boyfriend-y and girlfriend-y and then comes the awkward moment of them just showing up at your the middle of the get what I am saying.  So call me gun shy, call me a chicken, call me an effing heartless relationship phobic biatch but I was a little reluctant to move from just dating to "label land".  However after much persuading (ok it was mild threatening) from our trusty friend Julie I realized that if I liked MP enough...which I do...then I was being silly (ok bitchy but its the holiday season still so we will use clean words...for the baby cheez-it) by not...oh dear how did Julie put it...yelling my new found relationship status from the top of the highest mountain top.  So in this age of technological advancement (AKA our sick obsession with social network sites) I knew that the highest mountain was Facebook...and the loudest yelling I could muster was the good ol relationship status change.  So I bit the bullet my dear friends, and I changed my status from in a relationship.

Mama needs a cocktail.


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