Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Good morning and salutations!

Hello dear friends!  It is Wednesday, it what has to be the longest week of all time...of ALL TIME.  That could be for many reasons: one--I hate my job, two--I am 32 hours away from a 12 day vacation from said hell-on-earth job, and three--because it is almost CHRISTMAS TIME!!  So I said this week has been the longest week.  Ever. 

So I know that I wrote a few posts ago that I have not been a good girl and I have neglected my blogging responsibilities, and then I didn't really remedy that problem and I continued to ignore my post.  Please do not think that it is because I don't love the fact that my random spasms of blogs don't bring the 5 of you that read them joy because that is not the case!  Blame it on Julie for not nagging me to post stuff, blame it on my mind going into a romance induced mooshy state (thank you really have not thanked you enough), blame it on the rain...whatever you blame it on know that I love you all, each and every one of you. 

As we all know, unless you have been living under a rock and have therefore lost all sense of time--if that is the case welcome back--we are in the thick of the holiday season!!  The time of year that I lustfully wait for is upon us!  This year I do have to admit--hold for anticipation--it took me a few days to get into the whole "Christmas Time Is Here" spirit.  **HUGE GASP** I know I know!  Never fear my friends your "Christmas Queen" (Charlie Brown reference...anyone?...anyone?) came to her senses and my house is appropriately decorated so that I may keep my title...although it ALWAYS needs more decorations and I have been stead fast at working on achieving a certain level of "Christmas has thrown up everywhere".  Still working on it.  Every year I pack up my holiday decorations (all whilst sobbing and drinking lots of wine...which I am not sure if it makes it hurt more or hurt less...I should conduct a study--while drinking wine of course), and every year I swear I have enough decorations.  Then the next year the day comes when I pull out my decorations and I am met with a sense of horror at my inadequate amount of decorations!  It literally puts me into a panic attack at the audacity of myself thinking that I in any way call myself the Christmas Queen at all.  How does this happen?  Last Christmas I was so happy staring at my loot of decor like a pirate staring at a treasure chest of gold, and this year I am left crying hysterically in a corner while tearing my hair out and the sight of the 2 broken Christmas ornaments that make up my stash.  So this year I have decided I am going to get 4 new Christmas boxes...the red and green kind...we all know them and know them well.  I am going to fill those babies to the brim with Christmas decor and dag nab it, if I still am thrown into a state of discontent next year when I open up the boxes...well then I just don't know.  I guess in reality...what would Christmas be without a famous Hattie meltdown?  I mean really!

Tis the season!

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