Thursday, February 16, 2012

Why is this b*tch yelling at me???

Recently some girlfriends of mine have been getting together once a month for a game night, we open some wine...ok lots of wine but I thought we talked about how we weren't going to judge...and eat some nibbles and after the first few glasses kick in we head to the living room and play a board game.  Oh the fun we have.  The first game night we all laughed so hard my face hurt the next day.  Inhibitions are thrown out the window and slight edges of competitive personalities surface which makes game nights something I wish we did every night.  Last night I was thinking about how often we get so wrapped up in our lives and our day-to-day of bustling to and from work that we forget to make time for some good old fashion belly aching laughter.  Right now with so many "adult decisions" going back and forth in my head (to school or not to school? what subject? can I get a job with that degree? can I get a job anywhere for that matter? why do I hate Syrah so much?) it was nice to let go, act like a kid, and laugh.  I know that I started this journey because I firmly believe that life is too short to spend 6 minutes (let alone 6 years) doing anything that makes you unhappy and while a big part of me becoming less miserable is getting a new job, I also need to remember that I also need to laugh more.  Laughter through the tears...lots and lots of wine :)

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