Tuesday, February 7, 2012

....half way....

We are half way my friends!  6 months ago I started this journey desperately trying to scratch my way out of this state of mind numbing misery I have found myself in.  Originally I had blogged that I wanted to start a career in Pilates instruction and while I have not given up that hope, I have refocused my sights on going back to school.  I love school.  I am that person that gets down-right giddy when buying school supplies.  I can actually get lost for hours in a a pen section in the university book store.  Oooooh gel pens!!  I have always loved learning, and even though I didn't get amazing grades in high school, I loved soaking up new tid-bits of new information.  So this combined with my morbid fear of waking up 10 years from now, 40 (HUGE GASP), and still being employed as someones pee-on assistant gave me the idea to go back to school.  I have been pounding the pavement looking for a new job to deliever me from evil for over a year now (really since about months 3 in this place) and every job I want requires more school or years of experience in that specific field.  While this seems like a "duh" notion it chaps my ass that I can't walk into an interview and say TRUST ME I CAN DO THIS JOB.  I know I can do it, its just getting in the door in front of the 100 other people (thank you recession) that are also applying for the job.  Harg.  So my dear friends, I am going back to school.  What school?  Who knows!  To study what exactly??  You've got me!  Not quite sure on all of the details yet...but I have my financial aid worked out and heck isn't that half the battle?! :D  I am sure I will figure it out.

 Aren't new adventures fun??!!!

Where's the wine?

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