Monday, April 15, 2013


Hello hello hello hello!  I have been gone for so long I hardly remember how to do this here blog thing!  I am so very sorry for leaving you all alone in this dark and lonely place, no cheesy updates on my life, no random inner iPod songs, or ridiculous side stories!!  Oh the sadness of it all!  I promise I shall never leave you alone again for so long.  Pinky swear.  The real reason for my absence is not that I don't love you...because lord knows I is because the burning prison of hate and resentment that I go to every day to make a living blocked all blogging sites...the rather then waste my day thinking of witty things to amuse you with, I have to actually work.  CRINGE.  Uuuuh so it has been a long time since I have sat down at my computer and tinkered out some of my inner most deepest sexiest thoughts.  So what has been going on in my life?  Ohhhhh just about everything.  I started school in August, loooooooves it.  I have always enjoyed being the studious little school girl, that is to say that I love to buy new pens and the smell of a new spiral notebook, but the actual "school work" like reading and writing papers...not so much.  Alas, I am back in school and they say that in order for me to graduate I have to do some of that stuff.  Well I love it.  Going to school and studying something that interests me...who knew?!  So school rocks my socks, and with Antioch's schedule I am still able to have a pretty amaze-balls social life.  We all know that I have somewhat of a social/entertaining addiction so I am able to still feed my need to be the hostess with the mostest and go to school and reinvent the wheel!  I am slowly taking over the world people.  My social life recently has been so busy in fact I have needed to start scheduling "at home time" where I force myself to do boring stuff like wash my sheets, grocery shop, feed my cats.  You know, all of that boring adult shit.  I think I have finally found a happy medium between school, boring adult chores, and being a raging wino.  Speaking of which...there is a gorgeous glass of chilled white wine staring at me with contempt because I am ignoring it...I can't be rude so I will check in again later.  Thanks for still reading despite my gargantuan absence.

Kitty kisses and loves.

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